Pre-natal & Post-natal Massage
This is a soothing gentle massage to help sore aching muscles and to help mother to be and child to find comfort and ease in this process.
Mother to be must wait until after first trimester to receive any type services of this nature to insure no health risk to either mother to be or child.
Benefits Massage Include:
- Increases circulation and lowers blood pressure
- Emphasizes the elimination of metabolic wastes. This is also effective because it lessens ischemia (reduction of blood supply to organs and/or tissues which affects muscular pain)
- Improves the lymphatic system which also removes waste from the body thus resulting in less swelling from injury
- Used to eliminate painful knots and aches
- Releases endorphins
- Mechanically stretches and elongates muscles, thus increasing flexibility and durability of muscles
- Stimulates parasympathetic nervous system
- Reduction in pain
- Helps improve weak muscles
- Supports relaxation and improves sleep
- Alleviates the restriction of muscles as well as tension and stiffness
- Delivers more oxygen and nutrients to the muscles which reduce muscle fatigue and soreness.
- Breaks up mucus and other respiratory discharge in the lungs.
- Allows the body to become relaxed and begin the repairing process
- Helps the body fight off colds & other illnesses
- Promotes better digestion and relieves digestive problems
- Relaxes body and mind
- Improves all over well-being of the individual
- Relief of inner tension and stress
Our Pricing
60 Minutes $110
90 Minutes $150